Dear blog,
I miss you. No no dear. You are not forgotten. Believe me. I just need some time. Itu saja derr.
We are still living in the same house, same road, same school for the kids, ya semua masih sama. Though most of our belongings dah banyak yang takda atau rosak, we are so grateful, Alhamdulillah sebab we still have each other.
We are still searching here and there rumah baru untuk disewa tapi kita takdalah beria pulun much since this whole area was sunken masa banjir besaq hari tu. InshaAllah. Ada rezeki, adalah.
So, lets talk about Amin. He is 9 months old now. Recently, he just got his first tooth. So, it's been a very challenging moment setiap kali nak bF him. Nak teriak!
Dia pun dah pandai meniti, memanjat dan mungkin InshaAllah akan berjalan tak lama lagi. Jenuh kepung. Cant wait! Hee.
Cik kakak Syafiyah developed tabiat suka mencubit. Cubit kecik pukak tu. Mangsa dah tentulah Amin. Walau dah nak masuk 3 tahun dan ada adik, she still thinks that she is the 'adik'. Apa apalah Cik Syafiyah oii. Hee.
Most of our photos ada kat google+ but being a bit lazy sekarang, I'll just share some of the photos yang ada dalam simpanan camera. So, here they are.. Summary of what happened, where we went for the past few months.. Sekian. Syafiyah dah lapaq nasik.
Cik Syafiyah dan Ayah.
Amin. |
Amin @ 8mo. |
Wani, Cik adik Ummi and Wina @ Bukit Banyan |
Birthday Wina @ 25/02/ 2015. She's now 9 yo. |
Balik Alow Setaq @ Stadium. Makan sampai muntah |
Balik tengok rumah. Happily main @ Bukit Banyan. |
Muah muah. Cik Syafiyah dan Ayah. |