It has been 10 years, and i have learned quite a few things that I will never ever forget in my life. Marriage is not only about love.
I have a few rules that I cant afford to break it. Boleh gila tau. Bujang tada hal. Surirumah cerewet sikit but I hope its not going to annoy other people.
1. My kitchen is my territory. Shhhy. Its my house, so my rule. I have the power to keep what I want. You want your ideal kitchen, go home and make one. As long as you are in my house, its my frickin kitchen!
2. They are my kids, not yours. You are most welcome to share your fabulous ideas on how to raise children, but stop condemning my way. They are my kids, so again, my way. Thank you and shut up.
3. I am not interested and definitely doesnt really bother to intervene, meddling or whatsoever you decide in your life. I get it. I know how feel.
4. Husband and wife does not have any secret. Besides that ATM, Internet banking or any job related password, H and W do not have secret. Hey, kata partner kan.
5. Brothers and sisters are blood related, but that does not mean they can say whatever they want about our life. Hey, we're married and its our life. Thank you.